

The Office of 多元文化事务 is committed to shaping a strong community among students of color while promoting an understanding of cultural diversity for the Smith community. The office emphasizes the interests and needs of those who identify as students of color, 从第一年的预培训项目开始, 桥. The Office of 多元文化事务 staff is committed to providing guidance and advocacy for students of color navigating their Smith experience.


L 'Tanya Richmond, M ..A. |她/


里士满院长负责战略领导, 多元文化事务的视野与管理. She is devoted to programs and policies that maximize student personal development and academic excellence opportunities. 里士满院长负责梅隆梅斯大学本科生奖学金项目, 应急基金, 姆旺吉基金和所有多元文化学生指导服务.

电子邮件: lrichmon@maqve.com

周五晚2-4点.m. 请使用 里士满院长的在线调度 for students who wish to schedule appointments during virtual and in-person open office hours. 其他时间请发邮件至 lrichmon@maqve.com.

索菲娅贝兹 |她/


索菲娅贝兹 fosters the collaboration and coordination of student leadership within the Office of 多元文化事务. She is dedicated to creating spaces and programming that recognize and support cultural heritage organizations. 作为副主任, Sophia is an advisor and resource for students through her work with student coordinators, 统一主席委员会(UPC), 统一组织, 以及“桥”学前教育项目.

电子邮件: sbaez@maqve.com

星期二和星期四,下午2:00-3:00.m. 学生可以安排预约 在这里 在虚拟和面对面的办公时间. 其他时候,发邮件 sbaez@maqve.com.



丽贝卡·韦伯提供行政管理服务, budget and project support to all aspects of the Office of 多元文化事务 operation and the 梅隆梅斯大学本科生奖学金 program.

电子邮件: rweber@maqve.com



你可能已经注意到许多大学都在谈论多元文化主义. 我们想让你知道澳门葡京博彩软件, 公认的女性文科教育的领导者, 除了“谈论”多元文化主义,你还做了什么. 澳门葡京博彩软件对社区内的文化多样性做出了坚定的承诺.

Bright young women from around the United States and 50 other countries representing almost every racial, 少数民族, 政治, 社会, 经济, 宗教和文化背景影响了澳门葡京博彩软件. They contribute their voices and life experiences to the richness of the campus community.

If you want an excellent liberal arts education on a campus that truly values diversity, 考虑澳门葡京博彩软件.


祝贺你被澳门葡京博彩软件录取. 在你的生活中,很少有事情会像你的大学经历那样对你产生如此显著的影响, 澳门葡京博彩软件是一所优秀的学府,你可以在这里完成学业.

澳门葡京博彩软件, we will challenge you to stretch beyond your present capacities and become an active partner in your education. 你将被鼓励去提问、思考、写作、计划、讨论和展示. 你也将有机会发展你的领导潜力, 通过出国留学,探索课堂和校园之外的世界, and to prepare for your career and your future responsibilities through internships and service. 你的个人和学术成长是这个机构的中心.

致力于在相互尊重的氛围中维持一个多元化的社区, Smith provides an opportunity for women to live and study among other races and cultures. 在多样化的环境中取得成功, 学生可以期望得到几个行政和学术部门的支持, 包括多元文化事务办公室(OMA), where our mission is to provide a critical support structure that will enrich the overall experience of students of color at Smith. 你成功的关键是充分利用澳门葡京博彩软件所提供的一切. Given the variety of activities on campus, you are certain to find one or more that you will enjoy. I challenge you to get involved from the start to ensure that your academic year begins on a positive note.

Your undergraduate experience at 澳门葡京博彩软件 can be just the beginning of the most exciting, 这是你人生中充满挑战和收获的时光. 如需了解更多信息,请随时致电413-585-4940与我联系.


L 'Tanya里士满


我很高兴你的女儿将进入澳门葡京博彩软件学习. 为了感谢你将为她提供的持续指导, I am happy to acquaint you with some of the numerous academic and cultural programs available at Smith.

澳门葡京博彩软件, 公认的女性文科教育的领导者, is a vibrant community populated with intriguing people from a variety of cultures and socio-经济 backgrounds. 澳门葡京博彩软件一直致力于文化多样性, offering students innumerable opportunities to meet a new community of scholars and friends. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, your daughter will encounter new people with whom to share ideas in many ways.

澳门葡京博彩软件真是一个奇妙的地方. Yet, as on most predominantly white campuses, students from diverse backgrounds face challenges. The college is steadfast in its efforts to maintain a community that embraces diversity. 为了实现这一目标,它不断赞助教育和社会活动. 从它的迎新项目开始, 特别是桥梁计划, students of color are afforded numerous opportunities to become an integral part of the Smith community. 一旦被澳门葡京博彩软件大学录取, 大多数有色人种学生在团结之家和姆旺吉文化中心都找到了自己的位置, 哪些是讨论多样性和多元文化的论坛. 它们也是全年许多多元文化活动的举办地, 从“庆祝团结”到“大兄弟/小兄弟”茶.

通过选择澳门葡京博彩软件, your daughter will receive an excellent liberal arts education on a campus that values academic excellence and diversity. 像这样, the Office of 多元文化事务 offers a holistic support to students of color: monitoring their progress, 为学生组织提供建议, 促进积极的社区关系并代表他们的关切. 我期待着见到并了解您的女儿, 如果我能帮上忙,请与我联系. 欢迎您的评论和反馈.


L 'Tanya里士满


澳门葡京博彩软件建筑设计与建筑设计. En reconocimiento de la orientación continua que usted le office, me complace poder familiarizarlos con algunos de los numerosos programas académicos y culturales disponibles en Smith.

澳门葡京博彩软件, 联合国líder和educación关于妇女自由的权利, es una comunidad vibrante poblada con personas intrigantes de una variedad de culturas y de entornos socioeconómicos. 澳门葡京博彩软件说,他没有妥协,继续与不同的文化进行交流, ofreciendo a los estudiantes innumerables oportunidades para conocer a una nueva comunidad de académicos y amigos. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, su hija encontrará nuevas personas con quienes compartir ideas y conectarse en muchos niveles.

澳门葡京博彩软件是一名现实的糖人. 罪禁运, Como en muchas escuelas conuna mayoría de studantes anglosajones, 我们的学生condiversos antecentes enfrentan desafíos. La universidad es firme en sus esfuerzos por mantener una comunidad que acepta la diversidad. Continuamente, Smith patrocina eventos educativos y 社会es con este objetivo en mente. 共同协商方案orientación, notablemente el程序桥, los estudiantes de color tienen numerosas oportunidades para convertirse en una parte integral de la comunidad en Smith. Una vez铭文在澳门葡京博彩软件, la mayoría de los estudiantes de color encuentran un lugar de confort en Unity House y el Centro Cultural Mwangi, Lugares并没有看到多元文化主义带来的思想的多样性. tamamimassan儿子将许多事件与多元文化durante do el año联系起来, que van desde "Una celebración de la unidad" hasta celebraciones de la tradición de Hermana Menor/Hermana Mayor.

艾莱格尔·澳门葡京博彩软件, su hija recibirá una excelente educación en artes liberales en un campus que valora la excelencia académica y la diversidad. 科莫塔尔, la Oficina de Asuntos Multiculturales (Office of 多元文化事务) ofrece un apoyo holístico a los estudiantes de color; monitoreando su progreso, Asesorando是一个学生组织, promoviendo relaciones comunitarias positivas y representando las preocupaciones de los estudiantes de color. 埃斯佩罗·康伯拉尔(Espero conconer)说,他将邀请一名联络人参加他的葬礼. 我们的评论是关于bienvenidos的.


L 'Tanya里士满


8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

电话: 413-585-4947 电子邮件: oma@maqve.com


电子邮件: mwangicc@maqve.com